Covid-19 Update
St Michael's church will continue to gather for worship together online on a Sunday until early September when, dependent on the state of the pandemic, we hope to reopen for public worship.
We will release more information closer to the time.
In all other things, previous advice, requirements and guidance from the govt and our Archbishops are still in effect and so the following groups are (still) suspended:
• Monday morning prayer
• Little Angels
• Thursday 11am Service
• Chit-Chat Club
• Worship Group
• Friday Market
• Sunday Gatherings:
(We will not be gathering in the church building, but we will commit to worship in our homes at 10am. For those of you who are local, you will hear the church bell ring to signify the start of the worship and to let the community know they are in our prayers.)
The uniformed organisations have suspended activities as have many of our external groups. Please check with the individual organisations if in doubt.
We endorse all public health advice concerning :
· hand washing – for a minimum of 20 seconds using soap & water
· the use of tissues – Catch It, Bin It, Kill It
· self-isolating if feeling unwell – anybody with any symptoms (new continuous cough and/or high temperature) no matter how mild - should stay at home for 7 days.
Public Health Advice More information can be found at
St Michael's and All Angels
Roding Rd, Loughton, Essex, IG10 3EJ