"Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other."
John 13.34
God first loved us when we were unloveable.
God saw us in our distress and despair and came among us, offering us love and grace and hope.
Because of that, we seek to share that love and grace and hope with others in their times of struggle.
Pastoral & Prayer
Pastoral Care
Predominantly, the first level of care you can access comes from fellow church family members or your leaders.
You can also always email a member of St Michael's Clergy or Pastoral Team to request a meeting.
Signposting to relevant Outside Professionals
If you are struggling with an issue requiring specialised support or expertise, we can signpost you to relevant agencies.
Prayer Ministry
We believe that prayer really works and have an active prayer ministry team who are trained to pray with you and for you.
There is prayer ministry available after the 10am Gathering.